续上(Part A)感觉进程好慢!
You're the shrink. I'm not big on self-affirmation.( 自我肯定)
2. I'm telling you we cannot wait another day to hire someone.
3. Use your words.
这句话我不知道如何来理解,字幕上的翻译是“你说呀!”,是不是Lightman当时I...了半天,没I出什么来,所以Dr. Gillian Foster说,“你说呀!”,如果是这样的话,感觉也对。
4. Yeah,I got piss-drunk last night with my roommate, and I was just lying in bed this morning thinking about how nasty hot Nancy Grace is, and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all 'cause it's not like there's anyone here to fantasize about.
5. No offense taken.(Offense:进攻、冒犯)
Dr. Gillian Foster 此时看来是自做多情了!
6. I don't go for married women.
7. Who eats pudding at 10:00 in the morning?
People who like pudding.
8. The mayor thanks you and Dr. Foster for coming on short notice.
On short notice: 忽然;急忙,很少见到的表达。
9. This case is a landmine. (这案子非常棘手)
英文字幕中写成Land mine是不对的,应是Landmine(水雷)。
10.He then was caught fleeing the house by two patrolmen巡逻/员; 巡查/员). Been in custody(被拘留)here ever since.
11.The question is never simply if someone is lying; it's why.
12.But I thought most people avoid eye contact when they're lying.
No, it’s a myth.
And quite often, they make more eye contact.
They need to watch, see if you believe their lies.
测谎技巧(Tips: They need to watch, see if you believe their lies.
13.Rigid repetition like that is typical of a lie.
Rigid:生硬的,英文字幕中Repetion 应为Repetition.
测谎技巧(Tips: Rigid repetition like that is typical of a lie.
14.Okay, I indulged the mayor's office in letting you talk to the kid, but now you're just making wild guesses that have no basis in hard evidence.
Indulge:放纵, 容许 Indulge + IN + (Doing)something.
15.I'll take another wild guess: you two had a fling.
16.Oh,no,no. Keep your fingers off your nose.
Men have erectile tissue there. Itches when they're hiding something.
测谎技巧(Tips: Nose itches when they're hiding something.
17.I've been principal here for over three years.
Principal: 负责人, 校长
18.Thought it was pornographic.
Pornographic:色情的, 淫秽的
19.He talked a bunch of crap about Ms. McCartney.
A bunch of crap: 一堆废话
20.Could you step out of the line, please?

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