Lie to Me《别对我说谎》第一集的笔记终于完了,下面是Part C,也是最后一部分。
1. Any reason you might be anxious this morning, sir?
2. When you leaned out of line, I could tell you were jacked up about something.
Jack up:〈俚〉用千斤顶顶起;〈口〉把凌乱的东西安排〔料理〕好

3. Why were you trying to play me?
Play me:耍我
4. I've dated a lot of men.
Date Somebody 与某人约会
5. A pursuit I highly recommend to you.
6. Truth or happiness, never both.
7. If these allegations are false, are you going to stand by while an innocent man is destroyed by lies?
Allegations: 陈述, 宣称, 辩解; 陈词
Stand by: 站在旁边; 袖手旁观
Innocent: 清白的, 无罪的, 无辜的
8. Radical honesty.
Radical: 根本的, 基本的; 彻底的, 完全的
9. We are in the world, but not of the world.
10.Watch yourself. I'm a man of God.
Watch yourself你注意点。
11.Admit it. You're thinking "what a loser." I saw your eyes do the thing.
12.We appreciate your time.
13.When you're lying, it’s hard to tell a story backwards, because there's no real memory of what happened.
测谎技巧(Tips: 当人们撒谎时,很难把谎言倒叙出来,因为真实记忆并非如此。
14.Liars rehearse their stories in order.
15.The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead, so why don't you wake the hell up.
16.You gave in to temptation.
17.Then it was real. In a fake smile, there's no eye wrinkling.
18.Body language tells the truth even from the grave.
19.It's a classic physiological flight response.
Blood flows from the extremities to the legs so you're ready to run.
Your hands get cold first.
20.I didn't want to force her to confront an answer she clearly wasn't looking for, but when I found out she was working at that club, I had to do something, so I went...
21.I guess it doesn't matter anymore.
22.Castle took advantage of you.
Castle 占了你的便宜。
23.You really are a pack rat.
我常提错Really的位置,写成You are really a pack rat.

1 评论

  1. 匿名 // 2009年4月18日 21:51  

    i really appreciate this note.