Lie to me《别对我说谎》一转眼就播到第9集了,而我第一集的笔记(下载第1集笔记)才完成。不想给自己找什么借口,懒人!只能以后补上了。
下载Lie to me《别对我说谎》S01EP09英文剧本

Lie to Me《别对我说谎》第一集的笔记终于完了,下面是Part C,也是最后一部分。
1. Any reason you might be anxious this morning, sir?
2. When you leaned out of line, I could tell you were jacked up about something.
Jack up:〈俚〉用千斤顶顶起;〈口〉把凌乱的东西安排〔料理〕好

3. Why were you trying to play me?
Play me:耍我
4. I've dated a lot of men.
Date Somebody 与某人约会
5. A pursuit I highly recommend to you.
6. Truth or happiness, never both.
7. If these allegations are false, are you going to stand by while an innocent man is destroyed by lies?
Allegations: 陈述, 宣称, 辩解; 陈词
Stand by: 站在旁边; 袖手旁观
Innocent: 清白的, 无罪的, 无辜的
8. Radical honesty.
Radical: 根本的, 基本的; 彻底的, 完全的
9. We are in the world, but not of the world.
10.Watch yourself. I'm a man of God.
Watch yourself你注意点。
11.Admit it. You're thinking "what a loser." I saw your eyes do the thing.
12.We appreciate your time.
13.When you're lying, it’s hard to tell a story backwards, because there's no real memory of what happened.
测谎技巧(Tips: 当人们撒谎时,很难把谎言倒叙出来,因为真实记忆并非如此。
14.Liars rehearse their stories in order.
15.The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead, so why don't you wake the hell up.
16.You gave in to temptation.
17.Then it was real. In a fake smile, there's no eye wrinkling.
18.Body language tells the truth even from the grave.
19.It's a classic physiological flight response.
Blood flows from the extremities to the legs so you're ready to run.
Your hands get cold first.
20.I didn't want to force her to confront an answer she clearly wasn't looking for, but when I found out she was working at that club, I had to do something, so I went...
21.I guess it doesn't matter anymore.
22.Castle took advantage of you.
Castle 占了你的便宜。
23.You really are a pack rat.
我常提错Really的位置,写成You are really a pack rat.

续上(Part A)感觉进程好慢!
You're the shrink. I'm not big on self-affirmation.( 自我肯定)
2. I'm telling you we cannot wait another day to hire someone.
3. Use your words.
这句话我不知道如何来理解,字幕上的翻译是“你说呀!”,是不是Lightman当时I...了半天,没I出什么来,所以Dr. Gillian Foster说,“你说呀!”,如果是这样的话,感觉也对。
4. Yeah,I got piss-drunk last night with my roommate, and I was just lying in bed this morning thinking about how nasty hot Nancy Grace is, and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all 'cause it's not like there's anyone here to fantasize about.
5. No offense taken.(Offense:进攻、冒犯)
Dr. Gillian Foster 此时看来是自做多情了!
6. I don't go for married women.
7. Who eats pudding at 10:00 in the morning?
People who like pudding.
8. The mayor thanks you and Dr. Foster for coming on short notice.
On short notice: 忽然;急忙,很少见到的表达。
9. This case is a landmine. (这案子非常棘手)
英文字幕中写成Land mine是不对的,应是Landmine(水雷)。
10.He then was caught fleeing the house by two patrolmen巡逻/员; 巡查/员). Been in custody(被拘留)here ever since.
11.The question is never simply if someone is lying; it's why.
12.But I thought most people avoid eye contact when they're lying.
No, it’s a myth.
And quite often, they make more eye contact.
They need to watch, see if you believe their lies.
测谎技巧(Tips: They need to watch, see if you believe their lies.
13.Rigid repetition like that is typical of a lie.
Rigid:生硬的,英文字幕中Repetion 应为Repetition.
测谎技巧(Tips: Rigid repetition like that is typical of a lie.
14.Okay, I indulged the mayor's office in letting you talk to the kid, but now you're just making wild guesses that have no basis in hard evidence.
Indulge:放纵, 容许 Indulge + IN + (Doing)something.
15.I'll take another wild guess: you two had a fling.
16.Oh,no,no. Keep your fingers off your nose.
Men have erectile tissue there. Itches when they're hiding something.
测谎技巧(Tips: Nose itches when they're hiding something.
17.I've been principal here for over three years.
Principal: 负责人, 校长
18.Thought it was pornographic.
Pornographic:色情的, 淫秽的
19.He talked a bunch of crap about Ms. McCartney.
A bunch of crap: 一堆废话
20.Could you step out of the line, please?

1. I've instructed my client to remain silent.
开始看时,我没有注意Instruct这个单词,是我看第二遍时才注意到的。我是很少听到与看到有人用Instruct somebody to do something,这是第一次,所以记下来了。对instruction我了解与使用更多一点,可能与自己的工作有关吧!(常要为人做Operator instructions)。
2. I don't have much faith in words myself. 我自己也不怎么相信语言
Faith in对…的信心
3. Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes' conversation. And granted, it's just regular people.
这里注意到两个固定用法:Statistically speaking 据统计;
the average person=regular people普通人,可千万别来个平均人。
Granted ad. 算是如此, 但是,我差点看到是Grand 了,吓我一跳(Grand什么时候有这种用法J)。
4. Could skew differently. (这句单独放着,好象不好译,但感觉有用)
5. Now, the FBI knows you want mass casualties. (casualty:受害者, 牺牲品,Casualty:人员伤亡。这种单词,我想对阅读新闻有用)
6. ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state.(ATF这个组织比较少见,在这里对欧美影视中美国执法机构FBI、ATF、CTU、ITM等作个简单总结:
a) DOJ:Department of Justice司法部, 其下面有联邦调查局(FBI)、稽毒局(DEA)、酒烟火器爆破物品局(ATF)、国际刑警组织美国中心局(USNCB)、美国法警(US Marshals)等;
FBI:美国联邦调查局,英文全称Federal Bureau of Investigation,英文缩写FBI;
ATF:ATF(Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ) 酒烟火器爆破物品局;
b) 国土安全部(HSD): 运输安全局(TSA),保密局(Secret Service),移民与海关执法局(ICE),海关与边防保卫局(CBP), 美国海岸卫队(USCG)
c) 国务院(DOS): 外交保安局(DSS)
d) 国防部(DOD): 国防调查局(DIS), 陆军刑事调查司令部(CID), 海军刑事调查局(NCIS), 空军特别调查局(OSI)
e) 其他联邦执法机构还包括: 国会警察(USCP), 美国公园警察(USPP),所有联邦政府部门内的督察长公署(IG).
f) 移民局(INS),其原来的美国边防巡警(USBP)并入CBP.
7. Going after a church in Lorton.
Going after money 想着挣钱.
8. That accusation has no basis.
9. DOD friend of mine said this guy's a total nut job.
DOD上面已作解释,国防部;A total nut job 中文字幕解释为十足的疯子,感觉挺恰当的。
10.Heard he spent, like, three years in the African jungle with some primitive tribe studying their eyebrows.
Spent (时间) + doing something 花时间做某事
11.Watch his reaction to my statement.
12.Now what you just saw there was a brief expression of happiness on his face which he was trying his best to conceal.
注意介词on , a brief expression on his face;
Try one’s best to do 尽努力去做
13.Classic one-sided shrug. Translation: "I've absolutely no confidence of what I just said." The body contradicts the words. He's lying.
看过网上的字幕都会发现这句“The body contradts the words.” 但我却总找不到Contradts 这个单词,最后我找到contradicts,也认为是这个。
测谎技巧(Tips):The body contradicts the words. He's lying.
14.When you accuse the suspect, and he acts surprised, is there a way to tell if it's real or if he's just trying to look innocent?
15.Lasts for less than a second when it comes across your face, but if your suspect is surprised for more than a second, he's faking it. He's lying.
测谎技巧(Tips:If the surprise last for more than a second, he’s lying.
16.Now I call out his target is actually Lorton, and watch it again.
17.One personal tip. You see this micro expression in your spouse's face; your marriage is coming to an end.
技巧(Tips):If you see the micro expression (concealed scorn) in your spouse’s face, your marriage is coming to an end.
18.Let's leave this up.
19.The truth is written on all our faces.
了解更多的Lie to me Season 1 episode 01之肢体语言
20.Just the man I was looking for. Today's the day. Say it.
直觉的这话,在当时的情境下说,很不错。Remember and try it, and enjoy it.


Lie to Me Season01 Episode01 (

I've instructed my client to remain silent.
He's not gonna talk.
That's okay. That's okay. I don't have much faith in words myself.
Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes' conversation.
And granted, it's just regular people.
We haven't studied people who are planning to firebomb a black church.
Could skew differently.
We don't have time for this scientist to talk to the guy.
We went at him for four hours, got nothing.
Now, the FBI knows you want mass casualties.
So right now, ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state.
The FBI got it wrong.
Well, there’s a shocker.
It's not one of those two churches.
Maybe you want one of the smaller churches.
One of the black suburbs.
- You don't know what you're talking about.
Don't respond!
What do you say ATF starts with Southbridge?

No, I’m only kidding.
We'll skip that one.
We're gonna focus on Lorton.
You feel good about that?
That's it! Lorton! Going after a church in Lorton.
That accusation has no basis.
What do you mean? He just told me.
The ATF found a pipe bomb in a church basement in Lorton an hour later.
DOD friend of mine said this guy's a total nut job.
Heard he spent, like, three years in the African jungle with some primitive tribe studying their eyebrows.
Watch his reaction to my statement.
Right now,ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state.
Now what you just saw there was a brief expression of happiness on his face which he was trying his best to conceal.
It lasted for less than a fifth of a second.
It's what we call a "micro expression."
Now, look at his mouth.
The suspect is secretly happy about the locations we are searching, which tells me we have the wrong locations.
Now I tell him of our new plan, and...
You don't know what you're talking about.
Classic one-sided shrug.
Translation: "I've absolutely no confidence of what I just said."
The body contradts the words. He's lying. Yeah?
When you accuse the suspect, and he acts surprised, is there a way to tell if it's real or if he's just trying to look innocent?
Now that's real surprise.
Lasts for less than a second when it comes across your face, but if your suspect is surprised for more than a second, he's faking it. He's lying.
Now I call out his target is actually Lorton, and watch it again.
Concealed scorn.
One personal tip. You see this microexpression in your spouse's face; your marriage is coming to an end. Trust me.
Don't these microexpressions vary depending on the person?
Let's leave this up.
And we'll go to the Kato Kaelin footage from the OJ trial.
Mr. Kaelin,you got a lot of money for your appearance on Current Affair, didn't you?
Scorn. Scorn. Huge scorn.
Shame,shame,and shame.
Contempt. These expressions are universal.
Emotion looks the same whether you're a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber.
The truth is written on all our faces.
Just the man I was looking for. Today's the day. Say it.
You're the shrink. I'm not big on self-affirmation.
I'm telling you we cannot wait another day to hire someone.
I found the one. This is the one.
Use your words.
Why do we need to hire someone?
We got a new request this morning from the DEA and Homeland Security.
Someone from the Prime Minister's office in Uzbekistan called.
They want us to give a talk to their senior police.
Tell him to call back when they got a constitution.
A real one. Here's the analysis from the blinking experiment.
You just getting in,Loker?
Yeah,I got piss-drunk last night with my roommate, and I was just lying in bed this morning thinking about how nasty hot Nancy Grace is, and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all 'cause it's not like there's anyone here to fantasize about.
No offense taken.
I don't go for married women.
Dr. Lightman,I have the mayor on 2 for you.
All right.
Mr. Mayor.
I see. Of course.
Any time.
What is it?
Some blowup at the Justice Department about a high school teacher that was killed in Northwest.
He wants us in on it right away since... What is that?
Chocolate pudding.
Who eats pudding at 10:00 in the morning?
People who like pudding.
The mayor thanks you and Dr. Foster for coming on short notice.
This case is a land mine.
We got a juvenile offender, family of devout Jehovah's Witnesses.
We gotta be real careful here.
Three day ago, James Cole, 16-year-old student at Jackson High, murdered his teacher, Susan McCartney.
After Mr. Cole got into Mrs. McCartney's house, he smashed her head into a glass coffee table.
He then was caught fleeing the house by two patrolmen.
Been in custody here ever since.
So what exactly does the mayor want to find out about the McCartney murder?
Assistant US Attorneys Hutchinson and Estin.
The kid was at the scene of the crime; he had motive, means; and he resisted arrest.
And he failed a polygraph test.
- It's murder one.
Well, I guess we're all here then: someone who wants the truth; somebody who wants to be right; and us, the idiots in the middle.
The US Attorney's office wants to try Cole as an adult.
But if the mayor is gonna support sending a 16-year-old to prison for the rest of his life, he wants to be certain we're talking about a premeditated, cold-blooded murder.
He wants you to provide an independent assessment of intent.
We'll need the crime scene photos and the autopsy report.
I thought you could tell somebody was lying just by looking at them.
The question is never simply if someone is lying; it's why.
Look, I already told the police everything, okay?
Tell us why you think you're here, James.
I was out for a run, and the police thought I was running from them.
So they arrested me.
I heard you made your school's track team.
I didn't make it.
They don't have tryouts.
What was your best race this year?
I don't know. Um,probably against Jefferson last week. Why?
I ran hurdles myself. 110 meters.
How'd your quads feel during the race? Good, I guess.
And what about on your run the night you were arrested?
I felt fine.
Your teacher Ms. McCartney was found dead in her home.
Have you ever been to her house before?
No, I’ve never been to her house before.
Ms.McCartney thought that you should be held back a year because she felt you were having some problems with your classmates.
What? I didn't want to get held back.
How'd you feel when you found out she was dead?
I prayed for her soul.
I can't know God's plan, but I didn't kill her.
Could have run hurdles.
So you got a sense of his intent?
When I asked James about his best race, he broke eye contact in order to remember and answer truthfully.
And when I asked him about his run the night of the murder, he never broke eye contact.
He wasn't recalling a memory. He was lying.
But I thought most people avoid eye contact when they're lying.
No, it’s a myth.
And quite often, they make more eye contact.
They need to watch, see if you believe their lies.
The content analysis would suggest that James has been to Ms. McCartney's house before.
Question: "Have you ever been to her house?"
Answer: "No, I have never been to her house."
Rigid repetion like that is typical of a lie.
Okay, so you'll tell the mayor's office the murder was premeditated?
Looks that way.
But when I asked him about his teacher's death, what we saw was this: oblique eyebrows.
Why would he be hiding sadness for her?
Looks like guilt to me.
It's possible he didn't mean to kill his teacher.
Excuse me?
Could have been an accident.
Okay, I indulged the mayor's office in letting you talk to the kid, but now you're just making wild guesses that have no basis in hard evidence.
This was no accident.
And personally,I think what you do is a joke.
It's a friggin' carnival act.
Oh,yeah,yeah, I get that a lot.
You know, a moment ago, I saw you smile at your colleague, flash her a glance, then shift your gaze.
She responded by raising her chin boss, revealing deep embarrassment.
I'll take another wild guess: you two had a fling.
She doesn't want a repeat performance because, you know, what with your wife and all.
But you won't move on.
Oh,no,no. Keep your fingers off your nose.
Men have erectile tissue there.
Itches when they're hiding something.
I've been principal here for over three years.
We've never faced anything like this.
To lose a teacher and then to find out that a student might have been responsible.
I understand James was new to the school.
Yes. His parents chose to home-school him until this year because they're devout Jehovah's Witnesses.
He was prepared academically, but he had real difficulties socially.
Did he ever express emotion of any kind towards Mrs. McCartney?
He was sent to my office a number of times, but he never mentioned her specifically.
But I can tell you the boy's father had some strong objections to Ms. McCartney's teaching.
He was outraged that she had assigned the book The Color Purple to her students.
Thought it was pornographic.
All right,they're ready for you.
But can I just say,uh... as much as we all mourn this loss no teacher that I've spoken to believes that this boy should
go to prison for life.
He was in the photography club for like five minutes before he quit.
It seemed like he didn't talk ever.
He took really good photos, though.
I never saw him hang out with anybody. He's kind of intense.
Like the way he'd stare at you.
He talked a bunch of crap about Ms. McCartney.
Really? What did he say?
Kid's a freak. I mean, I can't remember exactly, but...
I'm sure I heard him say something psycho about her.
You wouldn't just be saying that because you got suspended for hitting him in the face?
I was in bio lab with him.
You know, I don't see how he could have done what they're saying he did.
It's just... well, I don't believe it.
I mean, I’ve never even seen him get angry.
Why would he want to kill her anyway?
Are you feeling emotional in any way right now,Jacquelin?
It's okay if you are.
I feel fine.
Deputy Bonds.
And what did you learn in school today?
57 classmates and not one credible account of antecedent aggression from James.
I need to see the case file and look at the other suspects Homicide questioned. But you don't think James Cole is guilty?
I don't know, but if the prosecutor wants to send a kid my daughter's age to a cell block with pedophiles and serial killers, I wouldn't mind knowing for sure.
Whatever you need.
All right.
Forget it. We'll find another one.
No. Maybe he didn't see me. Why don't you get out?
Just drive.
You didn't see me waiting for that space?
- Didn't see you.
No, I did not see you.
I-I was waiting, too.
You must not have seen me.
That's fantastic. Classic gestural slip.
Got the slightest head nod "yes" before you shook your head "no."
Look, I’m in the space.
And I'm not going anywhere.
That's true.
You can't block me in like that! Sir? Congratulations.
One liar down, six and a half billion to go.
The US attorney's office scheduled the transfer hearing. We have two days.
I told the mayor's office we need to examine James' antecedent behaviors, so we're set to meet with his parents and his church group.
How you doing today, sir?
I'm great.
Could you step out of the line, please?
Are you serious?
Any reason you might be anxious this morning, sir?
Only that I'll miss my flight.
I need you to open your briefcase for me.
You know what? I'm going to check it.
- It's the liquids, right?
- Stop. T-3B. backup, backup T-3B.
Open your briefcase.
You're going to need to come with us.
Actually, you need to come with us.
When you leaned out of line, I could tell you were jacked up about something.
That's 'cause I flashed you a partial fear expression.
Whatever. Why were you trying to play me?
Six years ago, Dr.Lightman left the deception detection program he founded for the Defense Department.
Together we started a private firm that works with police, corporations, and almost every federal agency.
We'd like you to come work for us, Ms. Torres.
You've made seven times more arrests than the average TSA agent, and you scored 97% on the TSA deception diagnostic which Dr. Lightman created.
Have you ever had any specialized deception training?
I've dated a lot of men.
You're one of the naturals.
There's in infinitesimal percentage of the population, less than .001, that tests nearly perfect without any advanced traing.
We've already cleared your leaving with the TSA field director.
Our office will call you later.
Oh,and,uh,don't forget your briefcase.
That's your signing bonus.
I just had a long conversation with the school guidance counselor.
The girl whose breathing you said was fast and shallow-- Jacquelin Mathis-- has had three appointments with the school nurse in the past two weeks.
Guidance counselor said typically that could be about drugs or an STD.
You know, gonorrhea, clap,crabs,uh...
Find out if Jacquelin had any connection to James Cole outside of school.
And follow up with the nurse.
Did the school principal seem tense to you?
Wouldn't you be if this happened at your school?
He had his left hand in his pants pocket pressed against his leg the whole time. We're not all hiding something.
You think I'm naive just because I don't share your twisted view of the world.
That and you read romance novels.
Yes,I do. Because they make me happy.
A pursuit I highly recommend to you.
Truth or happiness, never both.
What is that now?
Orange slushy.
How old are you?
Chairman Baldridge from the Democratic
National Committee's on the phone.
Some sort of crisis.
Politician. That's all you.
Charge him by the lie.
You can retire tomorrow.
Why isn't Dr. Lightman here?
Cal really wanted to make it.
He's a better liar than you are.
He's a better liar than all of us.
I need your help,Gillian.
Congressman Zeb Weil, whose career I've spent 20 years building, is about to be accused of paying for sex.
A friend at thePost gave me the tip, but I need to know the truth before the story breaks.
You think it could be a smear job?
I do, but allegedly, Congressman Weil frequents some sort of high-priced escort service at an underground club in Georgetown.
Now if that's true, it's going to be a PR nightmare because he's the new Chairman of the House Ethics Committee.
That's delightful.
But we don't go through people's dirty laundry.
So Dr. Lightman just assumes you're a liar if you're a politician.
He assumes you're a liar if you're a homo sapiens.
If these allegations are false, are you going to stand by while an innocent man is destroyed by lies?
Thanks for coming in right away.
- You're the boss.
I would like to sleep with you.
Eli Loker, Ria Torres. He's harmless.
Just always speaks the truth about what's on his mind. What do you call it again?
Radical honesty.
That's it. Well, he’ll get you started on learning our facial coding system.
I have no chance with you. No.
Uh,do I have any chance with you?
You always tell the truth?
How good are you in bed?
Fair is better than most.
I don't see why you need to look at James' bedroom.
Mr. Cole,anything that gives us a better sense of your son is helpful.
James took these?
Yes,he did.
We let him convert that bathroom to a darkroom for his photography.
Was that a problem?
Well,it was taking too much time from his responsibilities as a Witness doing God's work.
What did James tell you about Ms. McCartney?
He thought she was a good teacher.
And did you?
James did not kill that woman.
He would not take part in wrestling practice, gym class, because he knows the Lord condemns violence, even in sport.
If you value something, you build a fence around it to protect it.
And that's what we did with James.
We home-schooled him as long as we could to shield him from drugs and sex and corruption.
Is that why you were angry about the material she was teaching him?
We are in the world, but not of the world.
And we need to protect our children from nonbelievers.
Is there anything you wouldn't do to protect your son from a nonbeliever?
Watch yourself. I'm a man of God.
Well,I like horse racing, Manhattans, briefs,not boxers, all of which makes us equally likely to lie, so I'll ask you again.
Get out of this house.
I've been doing some research into James' family.
I spoke to an overseer of their church who said Mr. Cole has had fights with other churchgoers over they unholy lifestyles.
Some of them said he was an extremist.
Something going on in that family.
The police saw James running away from the front door of Ms. McCartney's house after the murder.
Maybe he was trying to stop his father from killing her.
What's your content analysis of the mother?
She was definitely concealing something.
When I asked her about Ms.McCartney, she stopped using contractions and started referring to her as "that woman."
As in "I did not have sexual relations
with that woman,Ms. Lewinsky."
Distancing language.
She knew something about her. She didn't want to say.
We need to look at the polygraph test James failed.
I want to see what questions he spiked on.
Have I mentioned that your office looks like it belongs to a serial killer?
Several times.
PD is running background checks on both the parents and trying to confirm their whereabouts the night of the murder.
As for the girl that was so anxious-- Jacquelin Mathis, no connection to James Cole outside of school.
But I do know why she might have been anxious.
School nurse insinuated that Jacquelin is pregnant.
Not what a father in my shoes wants to hear.
I got to go.
I have Emily, and her boyfriend's coming over.
You worry too much. You do.
You worry. You're a worrier.
You don't even know if they talked about having sex.
He's taking her to a fancy restaurant.
Emily's a smart girl.
You have to trust her.
Her mother's a smart girl too, and I trusted her.
Well,I think Roger's a loser, but if Mom wants to be with a loser...
You don't have to say that for me.
I'm saying it 'cause he's a loser.
I have the utmost respect for anyone your mother cares for, and so should you.
Admit it. You're thinking "what a loser." I saw your eyes do the thing.
Uh,Dan's early.
Yeah, and about that-- I know your mother's out of town, you’ve got the keys, and Dan has a car.
No, we’re not doing this.
You just go let Dan in while I finish getting ready, and you better not do some covert scientific technique to find out what we're doing or not doing tonight.
No covert science, I promise.
Hi,Dr. Lightman.
Are you going to try and have sex with my daughter tonight?
We appreciate your time.
Congressman Weil,have you ever been to a club called Centurion?
Marshall,what is this really about?
I'm a five-term US congressman.
I'd appreciate if...
Answer the question,Zeb.
I've never heard of it. Why?
It's been alleged that you go
to this club on Friday nights.
Tell me how you spent last Friday evening.
I went for a swim at the congressional gym.
Then I went home to catch up on some committee reading.
Go on.
I had dinner alone before leaving for an event at the Smithsonian.
Got it. Now just tell it to me backwards.
Start at the end of the night and work backwards.
Before the event at the Smithsonian, I,uh...
well,as I told you, I did some reading.
before that,I,uh...
That guy's lying his ass off.
Yes,he is.
When you're lying, it’s hard to tell a story backwards, because there's no real memory of what happened.
Liars rehearse their stories in order.
They don't think to rehearse them backwards.
Have you ever engaged the services of a prostitute?
I am certainly not going to dignify that with an answer.
And that is an expression of deep shame.
This guy religious?
That's what I don't understand.
Not religious, not married, no kids.
But he shows deeper shame than politicians who've been caught cheating on their wives?
Yeah,being the Ethics Chairman takes a lot of the fun out of having sex with hookers.
But seriously, what if he's into something a lot more shameful-- smacking them around or underage girls?
I need to restore the expression I had from James's polygraph up here.
Did you attack Susan McCartney?
The same shame expression.
Now punch in on his eye.
I want to see his pupil.
They're fully dilated.
And it's not fear or anger.
You know what else makes pupils dilate.
Sexual arousal.
You think there was a sexual relationship between James and Ms. McCartney?
Maybe that's what the parents were hiding.
My son did not engage in sexual activity of any kind.
As I told you, we're here because we believe your son is innocent.
There were no signs of rape or sexual assault in this crime.
But on his polygraph, James exhibited intense sexual feelings for Ms. McCartney.
Be quiet.
We saw you try to conceal your scorn for Ms. McCartney.
That's not just about the books she was teaching,is it?
What can you tell us about your son and her?
I've already told you everything.
Both of you and your son are lying.
Now,let me tell you something.
The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead, so why don't you wake the hell up.
Everything you're doing makes perfect sense.
You're afraid for your son, Mrs. Cole.
And when we experience fear, we try to exercise whatever control we can, even if it makes things worse.
That's why you lied to us before.
It may help you feel better, but it's not helping your son.
Because right now, the only people who believe James is innocent are in this room.
I know that you have the courage to move past your fear and tell us the truth.
Wait here.
We found these hidden in James's room before the police came and searched his things.
I-I know how this must look, but our son couldn't possibly have done this.
Did you know James had been spying on Ms. McCartney before you found these?
You ever talk to James about sex?
I talked with him about the urges that young men feel.
We-we read from Colossians together.
"Fornication,uncleanness, sexual appetite is idolatry."
He-he knows there's no greater sin.
I need to see the crime scene photos.
You can't show these photographs to anyone,please.
We need to show them to your son.
You took these,James.
And... I understand why.
Ms. McCartney didn't make you feel anger.
She made you feel temptation.
She was a beautiful woman, and for the first time in your life, you felt desire.
You took these pictures so
you could fantasize about her.
You spied on her, for weeks, at school, at her home.
You took these, hiding right here behind these trees, looking through the bay window.
And on the night of the murder, you went back to her house to spy on her.
And this is what you saw.
There she was.
You became aroused.
You gave in to temptation.
I didn't know she was dead.
And... I started to have thoughts.
Unclean thoughts.
And I touched myself.
I swear to God I did not know that she was... that she was dead.
It wasn't until afterwards.
I was walking away, and... I saw the blood.
And I ran around to the front.
And I was gonna call 911, but the police came and...I ran. I just ran.
What was I supposed to do? The truth! I didn't kill her!
I told what I did!
What was that?
You spoon-fed him a good defense, and he's not stupid. He went with it.
But there's, uh,still a preponderance of evidence against him.
More than enough for a grand jury.
James was telling the truth.
Oh,he lied when he said he'd never been to Ms.McCartney's house before, and these photographs go a long way toward proving premeditation.
You aren't gonna reconsider other suspects?
He was stalking the victim; he fled the scene; and he failed a polygraph the night of the murder.
All for the same reason: sexual guilt.
The polygraph only tells you if someone is feeling guilty.
It doesn't tell you what they're feeling guilty about.
The guilt James felt had nothing to do with the murder.
Look, you want to ignore the evidence, fine.
Look, I heard how things ended for you over at the Pentagon.
And unless you want the entire Justice Department picking apart every case you work for us, too, you'll leave this one alone.
There she is.
Hey,Cal. Sorry I'm late.
Had a bunch of work I had to finish before leaving.
Why don't you come to dinner with us, clear your head for an hour?
It's gonna be a late night.
Nah,I'm good. You go ahead.
Her husband just lied to her.
He was lying when he said he got held up with work.
Don't you have work to do?
You're not gonna tell her he's lying?
How we doing on the congressman and the sex club thing?
Well,Congressman Weil still won't admit to anything,
so I'm gonna go to the club tonight and see if I can find out what he did there that he's so ashamed of.
Girl Weil's been seeing goes by Melissa,
and he sees her Friday night without fail.
Well,we all pay for sex one way or another.
At least hookers are honest about the price.
Bet your boyfriend's pretty happy this is his birthday present.
So,uh,how do you like this place, Melissa?
It's great. Always a party.
You really hate it,huh?
Just for now. You know...
it sucks being broke, and I can make a lot more money doing this than I did dancing.
So are most of your clients, uh,regulars or one-offs?
Maybe Julian and I could,um...
That's my boyfriend.
Maybe we'll become one of your regulars.
Are you free next Friday night?
No Fridays. I,uh,I have,um, a regular on Fridays.
I don't think the congressman was doing anything nasty to her.
She had this little smile about her Friday nights with him, like, like she has real feelings for the guy.
Was there wrinkling around her eyes when she smiled?
Yeah,there was.
Then it was real. In a fake smile, there's no eye wrinkling.
Excuse me. Turn on the news.
There's much to be learned still, but House Ethics Chairman Zeb Weil reportedly spent more than $82,000 on a single escort over a matter of months.
He exited his congressional offices moments ago.
Is it true that...
Congressman Weil,how long has this been going on?
Look at his disgust.
Yeah,but he's not disgusted with himself.
It's like he's disgusted with the idea of having sex with her.
Well, maybe they weren't having sex.
Why would a guy spend $82,000 on an escort he's not having sex with?
Yes, of course. No, I understand.
Defense attorney says James has had an acute psychological collapse.
He won't eat, sleep, or talk to anyone.
He's on suicide watch.
Take a look at these.
Her clothes are identical
to the crime scene photos.
James took those the day of the murder, and you can tell it's late, probably just a couple of hours before she was killed.
Look at that hand.
It's tensed.
Turned upwards at her side like this.
Is that a gestural emblem?
Yeah. When we make it consciously... the meaning's clear.
Stop. She was having an argument.
Yeah. Had to be pretty disturbing to produce that emblem.
So whoever was in that car had a fight with her just hours before she was murdered.
Body language tells the truth even from the grave.
Principal Castle.
Thank you for seeing us.
Please. Anything to help.
Do you know who at school might have had an argument with Ms. McCartney the day she was murdered?
I have no idea. What? Do you think another student was involved?
Possibly. We need to know who drives this car.
Sure. I can try to see if it's registered for school parking.
is that your car?
- No, it’s not.
Were you romantically involved with Susan McCartney?
Of course not. What are you suggesting?
Oh,I'm... I'm... I'm sorry. I really am. I...
We have to consider everything, and I'm sorry if I've offended you.
Really, I’m... I'm very sorry. Very sorry.
If I... if I offended you... I-I'm sorry.
I have offended you, and I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
It's not a good thing, really. I apologize.
What's with the Rain man routine?
You want to know how scared he was after
you showed him the photo of the car?
How scared?
In skin temperature, about ten degrees scared, which is to say, very scared.
His hand was colder the second time you shook it.
Yeah, he recognized that car. Intense fear kicked in.
It's a classic physiological flight response.
Blood flows from the extremities to the legs so you're ready to run.
Your hands get cold first.
The car in question does not belong to the principal or his wife.
Are you sure?
Yeah. Deputy bonds had records run both of their registrations.
So principal castle recognized the car, but it's not his.
Well, find out whose it is.
Have them run the registration of every student and teacher at the school.
The dnc chairman's going ahead with the press conference this afternoon, but I think I know what congressman weil was doing at the sex club and why he was so ashamed.
Take a look. He filed this online two years ago.
Call me the second you hear about the car. Come on.
Thank you.
You haven't done enough muckraking for one day?
Sir, we don't think you were doing anything sexual at that club because I believe this escort, Melissa, who you paid for time with...
What about her?
She's your daughter.
I've already admitted what I did.
I'm tendering my resignation today.
This is the profile you registered in May of '06 at adopt connect, a registry for birth parents trying to reconnect with an adoptee.
The adopted name you listed was Brenda Melissa Johnson.
The date of birth would make her Melissa’s age now.
I was a niorin college at UA and I was seeing a young woman who was a freshman at the woman's college in Marion.
She got pregnant.
We agreed to a closed adoption.
We both moved on.
But I never stopped thinking about it.
A couple of years ago, I registered to be found.
Nothing came of it.
So I hired a private investigator.
Does Melissa... Brenda...
Know you're her father?
I didn't want to force her to confront an answer she clearly wasn't looking for, but when I found out she was working at that club, I had to do something, so I went...
Started getting to know her. Gave her money.
Tried to get her to quit.
We can tell the chairman and the press.
Please. No.
I am close to getting Brenda to make a change.
If the press finds out who she really is, she will spend the rest of her life being known as the congressman's whore daughter.
I've already betrayed her once.
I won't do it again.
The car belongs to Jacquelyn Mathis, the girl the school nurse thought was pregnant.
Deputy bond had homicide bring her in.
Second district station right now.
Why would I know what happened to Miss McCartney?
No, you tell me.
Why would I know?
Why would I know?
Eyebrows go up, like yours, the person knows the answer to the question they're asking.
But I don’t. I don’t...
I don't feel well.
Morning sickness.
You argued with ms. McCartney e afternoon that she was murdered.
No, I didn’t. You don't know what you’re talking about.
I know when you're lying.
- I'm not lying.
I know why you fought with her.
I didn’t.
Is this your car?
I didn't kill Miss McCartney.
Now, that's e truth.
I know you didn’t. But you know who did.
So tell me about the argument.
I don't have anything to say.
You know, James Cole is innocent.
He's going to go to prison for the rest of his life.
Are you really gonna let that happen?
I mean maybe you couldn’t stop the murder, but you can stop this.
You have to stop this.
I can’t.
I guess it doesn't matter anymore.
You're gonna have to live with this because
James Cole just hanged himself in his jl cell.
I didn't think that anything would happen to James.
Because he's a minor.
I didn't know that he was gonna... oh, my god.
Why did principal castle recognize your car when I showed him the photograph?
You're involved with him, aren't you?
Castle took advantage of you.
He didn't take advantage of me.
We're in love. He loves me.
You're pregnant with his baby, aren't you?
He was going to leave his wife to be with me. He told me.
When miss McCartney saw us, parked in my car, that was at school, we didn't, we didn't know, but she saw us.
Then later that day she came up to me in the parking lot freaking out, like, ‘cause she had to be all worried about me when...
I mean, I was the one who went after him.
And then you argued about turning him in.
I begged her not to. He
hadn't done anything wrong.
She didn't listen.
She said she was gonna turn him in. So...
I told him.
You know, you know, he said that everything would be okay, that he would talk to her.
God... I didn't know he was gonna kill her.
I didn't know.
you get the e-mail from the us attorney's office?
Principal castle confessed in exchange for 30 years.
I thought the truth would set you free.
Speaking of which, do you still have that note that I brought you?
I want it for my office.
You really are a pack rat.
You could have just told me what this was for.
No, you're a terrible liar.
Normal people think that’s a good thing.
You saying I'm not normal?
Good night. Go home.
Dsc chairman's on the phone. What are we gonna say about the congressman?
So we're just gonna let him throw away his career?
We're basically gonna lie?
Not basically.
So you lie to your partner about her husband and you lie to the people who hired us.
What am I supposed to believe about you?
You believe whatever you want. Everyone else does.
I'm glad you’re spending the holidays with your family.
Your folks are great.
I'm saying I didn't even want this promotion.
I feel terrible they fired him.
I love you. I'm gonna leave my wife. I just need more time.
Excuse me.



The One Where Rachel Finds Out

[Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there, Ross is showing pictures of his new baby boy, Ben, to the group.]

Ross: And here's little Ben nodding off...

Monica: Awww, look at Aunt Monica's little boy!

Phoebe: Oh, look, he's got Ross's haircut!

Rachel: Oh, let me see! (grabs picture) Oh, God, is he just the sweetest thing? You must just want to kiss him all over!

(Ross is practically drooling over Rachel at this point.)

Ross: (quietly) That would be nice.

(Chandler, annoyed with Ross's fawning, makes a 'pfft' noise.)

Rachel: Pardon?

Chandler: Nothing, just a little extra air in my mouth. Pffft. Pffffffft. (walks over to where Joey is seated)

(Joey is looking at his check.)

Joey: Hey, Chan, can you help me out here? I promise I'll pay you back.

Chandler: Oh, yeah, right, OK... inlcuding the waffles last week, you now owe me... 17 jillion dollars.

Joey: I will, really. I'll pay you back this time.

Chandler: (sigh)... And where's this money coming from? (gives money to Joey)

Joey: Well... I'm helping out down at the N.Y.U. Med School with some... research.

Ross: (overhearing) What kind of research?

Joey: Oh, just, y'know.... science.

Ross: Science. Yeah, I think I've heard of that. (everyone's interest is piqued, they all look over)

Joey: (sigh)... It's a fertility study.

(Rachel laughs.)

Monica: Oh, Joey, please tell me you're only donating your time.

Joey: Alright, come on you guys, it's not that big a deal. Really... I mean, I just go down there every other day and... make my contribution to the project. Hey, hey, but at the end of two weeks, I get seven hundred dollars.

Ross: Hey.

Phoebe: Wow, ooh, you're gonna be making money hand over fist!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Phoebe are preparing for a barbecue for Rachel's birthday.]

Monica: OK, we got the cole slaw, we got the buns...

Phoebe: We've got the ground-up flesh of formerly cute cows and turkeys, ew... (hands meat to Monica)

(Chandler and Joey enter with charcoal.)

Chandler: (in a deep voice) Men are here.

Joey: We make fire. Cook meat.

Chandler: Then put out fire by peeing, no get invited back.

Monica and Phoebe: Ewww!

Monica: Oh Joey, Melanie called, said she's gonna be late.

Joey: Oh, OK.

Phoebe: So how are things going with you two? Is she becoming your (provocatively) special someone?

Joey: I don't know, she's, uh.... she's pretty great.

Monica: Yeah? What does she think of your little science project?

Joey: What, you think I'm gonna tell a girl I like that I'm also seeing a cup?

Monica: Man's got a point.

Joey: Well, the tough thing is, she really wants to have sex with me.

Chandler: Crazy bitch.

Joey: Yeah, well, I still got a week left to go in the program, and according to the rules, if I want to get the money I'm not allowed to conduct any... ersonal experiments, if you know what I mean.

Monica: Joey... we always know what you mean.

[Time lapse. Chandler and Joey are making the fire, Monica and Phoebe are inside. Ross enters, carrying luggage.]

Phoebe: Hey.

Monica: Hey.

Ross: Hey. (Phoebe sees his bags)

Phoebe: How long did you think this barbecue was gonna last?

Ross: I'm going to China.

Phoebe: Jeez, you say one thing, and...

Monica: You're going to China?

Ross: Yeah, i-it's for the museum. Someone found a bone, we want the bone, but they don't want us to have the bone, so I'm going over there to try to persuade them to give us the bo—it's—it's a whole big bone thing. Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for like, uh... like a week, so, uh, if you wanna reach me, y-you can't. So here's my itinerary (hands a sheet of paper to Monica). Um... here's a picture of me... (hands it to Monica)

Phoebe: Oh, let me see! (takes the picture)

Ross: (to Monica): Could you take it to Carol's every now and then, and show it to Ben, just so he doesn't forget me?

Monica: Yeah.

(Phoebe puts the picture of Ross up to her face.)

Phoebe: Hi, Ben. I'm your father. I am... the head. Aaaaaahhhh.... (puts picture down, sees Ross staring at her) Alright, this barbecue is gonna be very fun.

Ross: Hey, is Rachel here? Um, I wanted to wish her a happy birthday before I left.

Monica: Oh no, she's out having drinks with Carl.

Ross: Oh. (pause) Hey, who's Carl?

Monica: You know, that guy she met at the coffeehouse.

Ross: No.

Phoebe: Oh, well, see, there's this guy she met at the...

Ross: At the coffeehouse, right.

Phoebe: So you do know who he is! (laughs, Ross stares at her) Sorry.

Ross: OK, I'm gonna go say goodbye to the guys.

Phoebe: Oh, hey, y'know what? Tell them that bone story.

(Ross goes outisde on the balcony.)

Ross: Hi.

Joey: Hey!

Chandler: Hey!

Ross: (sigh)....I have to go to China.

Joey: The country?

Ross: No no, this big pile of dishes in my mom's breakfront. Do you guys know who Carl is?

Chandler: Uh, let's see... Alvin... Simon... Theodore.... no.

Ross: Well, Rachel's having drinks with him tonight.

Joey: Oh no! How can she do that when she's never shown any interest in you?!?

Chandler: Forget about her.

Joey: He's right, man. Please. Move on. Go to China. Eat Chinese food.

Chandler: Course there, they just call it food.

Ross: Yeah... I guess. I don't—I don't know. Alright, just... just give her this for me, OK? (gives Chandler a gift for Rachel)

Joey: Listen, buddy, we're just looking out for you.

Ross: I know.

Joey: We want you to be happy. And I may only have a couple beers in me, but... I love you, man. (Joey gives Ross a hug)

Chandler: I'm still on my first. I just think you're nice.

[Time lapse. Melanie, Joey's girlfriend, is there with Joey, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel. Ross is gone.]

Melanie: Anyway, that's when me and my friends started this whole fruit basket business. We call ourselves 'The Three Basketeers.'

Joey: Like the three musketeers, only with fruit.

Chandler: (sarcastic) Ooooh. (looks dumbfounded at Joey's stupidity)

Monica: (gets up) OK, how does everybody like their burgers?

Rachel: Oh, no, no, no. Presents first. Food later. (walks into living room)

(Everyone follows Rachel to the living room. Monica pulls Joey aside.)

Monica: Hey, hold on there, tiger. How's it going? How you holding up?

Joey: Well, not so good. She definitely thinks tonight is the night we're gonna... complete the transaction, if you know what I...

(Monica rolls her eyes.)

Joey: Then you do. Heh, heh.

Monica: So, uh, have you ever thought about being there for her?

Joey: What do you mean?

Monica: Y'know, just be there for her.

(Long pause... Joey looks confused.)

Joey: Not following you.

Monica: Think about it.

(They both walk over to where Rachel is opening her gifts. Rachel sees her first gift is a fruit basket.)

Rachel: OK, I'm guessing this is from...

(Melanie smiles.)

Rachel: Well, thank you, Melanie.

Chandler: (pointing out a gift) OK, this one right here is from me.

Rachel: (picks it up) OK... ah, it's light... (shakes it) rattles... it's... (opens it) Travel Scrabble! Oooohhh, thank you! (she gives it back to him)

(Chandler looks dejected. Rachel picks up another gift.)

Rachel: This one's from Joey... feels like a book. Thinks it's a book... feels like a book. And...(opens it)'s a book!

Phoebe: Oh, it's Dr. Seuss!

Joey: (to Rachel): That book got me through some tough times.

Melanie: There is a little child inside this man!

Chandler: Yes, the doctors say if they remove it, he'll die.

(Rachel picks up the next gift.)

Rachel: Who's this from?

Chandler: Oh, that's Ross's.

Rachel: Oh... (opens it)... (sees it is a pin) Oh my God. He remembered.

Phoebe: Remembered what?

Rachel: It was like months ago. We were walking by this antique store, and I saw this pin in the window, and I told him it was just like one my grandmother had when I was a little girl. Oh! I can't believe he remembered!

Chandler: Well, sure, but can you play it on a plane? (pats his Travel Scrabble game)

Phoebe: Oh, it's so pretty. This must have cost him a fortune.

Monica: I can't believe he did this.

Chandler: Come on, Ross? Remember back in college, when he fell in love with Carol and bought her that ridiculously expensive crystal duck?

(Everyone looks at him. He realizes he just spilled the beans about Ross's crush on Rachel. You can hear this entire classic scene by clicking here.)

Rachel: What did you just say?

Chandler: (panicked) ahem... um... Crystal duck.

Rachel: No, no, no.... the, um, the... 'love' part?

Chandler: (stuttering incoherently) F-hah.... flennin....

Rachel: Oh.... my God.

Chandler: (rubbing his temples) Oh, no-no-no-no-no....

Joey: (pats Chandler on the leg) That's good, just keep rubbing your head. That'll turn back time.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, continued from earlier.]

Rachel: I mean, this is unbelievable.

Phoebe: I know. This is really, really huge.

Chandler: No it's not. It's small. It's tiny. It's petite. It's wee.

Phoebe: Nuh-uh. I don't think any of our lives are ever gonna be the same ever again.

Chandler: OK, is there a mute button on this woman?

Monica: I think this is so great! I mean, you and Ross! D-did you have any idea?

Rachel: No! None! I mean, my first night in the city, he mentioned something about asking me out, but nothing ever happened, so I just... (to Joey): W-well, what else did he say? I mean, does he, like, want to go out with me?

Joey: Well, given that he's desperately in love with you, he probably wouldn't mind getting a cup of coffee or something.

Rachel: Ross? All this time? Well, I've got to talk to him. (gets up to leave)

Chandler: (quickly) H-He's in China!

Joey: The country.

Monica: No, no, wait. (checks Ross's itinerary) His flight doesn't leave for another forty-five more minutes.

Chandler: What about the time difference?

Monica: From here to the airport?

Chandler: Yes! (Rachel walks towards door) You're never gonna make it!

Monica: Rachel, what're you gonna say to him?

Rachel: I-I-I don't know.

Chandler: Well then maybe you shouldn't go.

Joey: He's right, cause if you're just gonna, like, break his heart, that's the kind of thing that can wait.

Monica: Yeah, but if it's good news, you should tell him now.

Rachel: I don't know. Maybe I'll know when I see him.

Phoebe: Here, look, alright, does this help?

(Phoebe gets up, holds the picture of Ross up to her face.)

Rachel: Noooo... look, all I know is that I cannot wait a week until I see him. I mean, this is just too big. Y'know, I just, I've just gotta talk to him. I... I gotta... OK, I'll see you later. (opens door)

Chandler: Rachel, I love you! Deal with me first! (she leaves)

[Scene: Airport, Ross has headphones on, and is listening to a 'How To Speak Chinese' tape. Occasionally, he makes an outburst in Chinese in accordance with the tape. He is getting on the jetway. The flight attendant is there.]

Ross: (something in Chinese)

Flight Attendant: Alright!

Ross: Ni-chou chi-ma! (walks onto jetway)

(Rachel runs into the airport, trying to catch Ross, moving people out of the way.)

Rachel: Ross! Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me....

(Rachel gets up to the jetway.)

Flight Attendant: Hi!

Rachel: Hi.

Flight Attendant: May I see your boarding pass?

Rachel: Oh, no, no, I don't have one. I just need to talk to my friend.

Flight Attendant: Oh, oooh. I'm sorry. You are not allowed on the jetway unless you have a boarding pass.

Rachel: No, I know, but I—he just went on. He's right there, he's got the blue jacket on, I... can I j-just...

Flight Attendant: No no no! Federal regulations!

Rachel: OK, alright, OK, um... then could you please, uh... just give him a message for me? Please? This is very important.

Flight Attendant: Alright. What's the message?

Rachel: Uh... I don't know.

[Cut to the Jetway, the flight attendant enters, walks past Ross, and approaches an older man with his wife who is also wearing a blue jacket.]

Flight Attendant: Sir? Sir? Excuse me, sir? Uh... I have a message for you.

Man: (confused) What?

Flight Attendant: It's from Rachel. She said that she loved the present, and she will see you when you get back.

Man: (to wife): Toby... Oh, for God's sake, I don't know what she's talking about! There's no Rachel! Don't give me that deep freeze.

[Scene: Joey's Bedroom, he and Melanie are in bed together.]

Melanie: Mmmmmm... Oh, Joey, Joey, Joey... I think I blacked out there for a minute!

Joey: Heh, heh. It was nothin'.

Melanie: Well, now we've gotta find something fun for you! (she starts kissing his chest)

Joey: (panicked) Uhhh.. y'know what? Forget about me. Let's, uh... let's give you another turn.

Melanie: (surprised) M-Me again?

Joey: Sure! Why not?

Melanie: Boy, somebody's gonna get a big fruit basket tomorrow.

(Joey starts to kiss her.)

Melanie: Oooh, I gotta tell you... you are nothing like I thought you would be.

Joey: How do you mean?

Melanie: I don't know, I-I guess I just had you pegged as one of those guys who're always 'me, me, me.' But you... you're a giver. You're like the most generous man I ever met. I mean... you're practically a woman.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel are there. Monica is holding the wrapping paper from one of Rachel's gifts.]

Monica: Uh, so, uh, Rach, uh... do you wanna save this wrapping paper, I mean, it's only a little bit torn... so are you gonna go for it with Ross or should I just throw it out?

Rachel: I don't know. I don't know... I thought about it all the way there, and I thought about it all the way back... and, uh, oh, you guys, y'know, it's Ross. Y'know what I mean? I mean, it's Ross.

Monica and Phoebe: Sure.

Rachel: I don't know, I mean, this is just my initial gut feeling... but I'm thinking... oh, I'm thinking it'd be really great.

Monica: Oh my God, me too! Oh! Oh, we'd be like friends-in-law! Y'know what the best part is? The best part is that you already know everything about him! I mean, it's like starting on the fifteenth date!

Phoebe: Yeah, but, y'know, it's... it would be like starting on the fifteenth date.

Monica: Another good point.

Phoebe: No, I mean, I mean, when you're at the fifteenth date, y'know, you're already in a very relationshippy place. Y'know, it's... you're committed.

Rachel: (confused) Huh?

Phoebe: Well, I mean, then what happens if it doesn't work out?

Monica: Why isn't it working out?

Rachel: I don't know... sometimes it doesn't.

Monica: Is he not cute enough for you?

Rachel: No!

Monica: Does he not make enough money?

Rachel: No, I'm just....

Phoebe: Maybe there's someone else.

Rachel: Wha...

Monica: Is there? Is there someone else?

Rachel: No! There is.. there is noone else!

Monica: Then why the hell are you dumping my brother?!?

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is eating breakfast, Joey quietly opens his bedroom door.]

Chandler: Hey, big...

Joey: Shhhh!

Chandler: (quietly) ...spender.

Joey: She's still asleep.

Chandler: So how'd it go?

Joey: Oh, it was amazing. You know how you always think you're great in bed?

Chandler: The fact that you'd even ask that question shows how little you know me.

Joey: Well, it's like, last night, I couldn't do the thing that usually makes me great. So I had to do all this other stuff. And the response I got... man, oh man, it was like a ticker tape parade!

Chandler: Yes, I know, as it happens my room is very very close to the parade route.

Joey: It was amazing! And not just for her... uh-uh. For me, too. It's like, all of a sudden, I'm blind. But all my other senses are heightened, y'know? It's like... I was able to appreciate it on another level.

Chandler: I didn't know you had another level.

Joey: I know! Neither did I!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, one week later. Monica is seated, Rachel comes out of her bedroom.]

Monica: Hey, great skirt! Birthday present?

Rachel: Yeah.

Monica: Oh, from who?

Rachel: From you. I exchanged the blouse you got me.

Monica: Well, it's the thought. Hey, doesn't Ross's flight get in in a couple hours? At gate 27-B?

Rachel: Uh, yeah. Uh, Monica, y'know, honey, I've been thinking about it and I've decided this—this whole Ross thing, it's just not a good idea.

Monica: Oh, why?

Rachel: Because, I feel like I wouldn't just be going out with him. I would be going out with all of you. Oh, and there would just be all this pressure, and I don't wanna...

Monica: (gets up) No, no, no, no, no, no pressure, no pressure!

Rachel: Monica, nothing has even happened yet, and you're already so...

Monica: I am not 'so'! OK, I was a teensy bit weird at first, but... I'll be good. I promise.

(Door buzzer goes off. Rachel answers it.)

Rachel: Who is it?

Intercom: It's me, Carl.

Rachel: C'mon up.

Monica: Behind my brother's back? (Rachel glares at her) ... is exactly the kind of crazy thing you won't be hearing from me.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is seated, and the apartment is filled with baskets of fruit. Joey enters, check in hand.]

Joey: Seven hundred bucks!

Chandler: Alright, you did it! Do we have any fruit?

Joey: Man, hell of a two weeks, huh? Y'know what, though? I really feel like I learned something.

Chandler: Really? So, you're gonna stick with this 'it's all for her' thing?

Joey: What, are you crazy? When a blind man gets his sight back, does he walk around like this? (Joey closes his eyes and walks around with arms spread.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's Balcony, Rachel is having drinks with her date, Carl.]

Carl: I'm just sayin', if I see one more picture of Ed Begley, Jr. in that stupid electric car, I'm gonna shoot myself! I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm not against environmental issues per se.... it's just that guy!

(Rachel looks bored. At this point, Ross—a figment of Rachel's imagination— shows up on the balcony and starts talking to her.)

Ross: I can't believe you'd rather go out with him than me.

Rachel: Would you excuse me, please? I'm trying to have a date here.

Ross: Fine, just stop thinking about me.

(She tries, and Ross disappears momentarily. He reappears, standing closer to her.)

Ross: Can't do it, can you?

Rachel: So I'm thinking about you. So what?

Ross: I don't get it. What do you see in this guy, anyway?

Rachel: Well... he happens to be a very nice... guy....

Carl: I mean, come on, buddy, get a real car!

Ross: Rachel, come on. Give us a chance.

Rachel: Ross, it's too hard.

Ross: No, no, no... why, because it might get weird for everyone else? Who cares about them. This is about us. Look, I-I've been in love with you since, like, the ninth grade.

Rachel: Ross, you're like my best friend.

Ross: I know.

Rachel: If we broke up, and I lost you...

Ross: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What makes you think we're gonna break up?

Rachel: Well, have you been involved with someone where you haven't broken up?

Ross: (pause) No. But... it only has to happen once. Look, you and I both know we are perfect for each other, right? I mean... so, the only question is... are you attracted to me?

Rachel: I don't know... I mean, I've never looked at you that way before.

Ross: Well, start looking.

(They kiss. Ross walks away, and then fades out.)

Rachel: Wow.

Carl: Exactly! And you just know I'm gonna be the guy caught behind this hammerhead in traffic!

Rachel: Right! You're right!

Carl: Heh... y'know?

Rachel: You know what?

Carl: What?

Rachel: I forgot... I am supposed to pick up a friend at the airport. I am so sorry! I'm so... if you want to stay, and finish your drinks, please do.... (gives him her drink) I mean—I'm sorry. I-I-I gotta go. I'm sorry.

(Rachel leaves.)

Carl: But...

[Scene: Airport. Madonna's Take A Bow plays in the background as Rachel waits at the gate with flowers.]

Rachel: (sifting through crowd) Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, excuse me, sorry. Hi.

[Cut to the jetway, the old man who the flight attendant delivered Rachel's message to gets off the plane, his wife still upset with him.]

Man: For God's sake, will you let it go? There's no Rachel!

(A Chinese woman getting off the plane drops one of her bags. Ross gets off next.)

Ross: Oh, hey, hey, I got that.

(Ross picks up the bag... then he and the woman kiss.)

Julie: Oh, thanks, sweetie.

Ross: No problem. I cannot wait for you to meet my friends.

Julie: Really?

Ross: Yeah.

Julie: You don't think they'll judge and ridicule me?

Ross: No, no, they will. I just... uh...

Ross and Julie: Can't wait.

Ross: Come on, they're gonna love you.

[Cut to a close-up of Rachel, eagerly awaiting Ross's arrival... not knowing he is getting off the plane with another woman.]



The One with the Birth

[Scene: The hospital, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, and Monica are in the waiting room, waiting for Carol and Susan to arrive.]

Ross: She's not here yet. She's not here. She's having my baby and she's not here.

Monica: I'm sure everything's fine. Has her water broke yet?

Ross: I don't know, but when I spoke to her, she said she had already passed the mucus plug.

(Joey makes a sound of absolute disgust.)

Joey: Do we have to know about that?

Monica: Joey, what are you gonna do when you have a baby?

Joey: I'm gonna be in the waitin' room, handing out cigars.

Chandler: Yes, Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the 50's.

Ross: God, I don't believe this. She could be giving birth in the cab.

Rachel: Oh, Ross, relax. It's probably like two dollars for the first contraction, and then fifty cents for each additional contraction.

(Everyone looks at Rachel as though she made a tasteless comment.)

Rachel: What, it's ok when Chandler does it?

Chandler: You have to pick your moments.

(Phoebe arrives, guitar in hand.)

Phoebe: Did I miss it, did I miss it?

Ross: She's not even here yet.

Monica: What's with the guitar?

Phoebe: I just thought we might be here for awhile. You know, things might get musical.

(Carol and Susan arrive.)

Ross: (to Carol) Where the hell have you been?

Susan: We stopped at the gift shop.

Carol: I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a Chunky.

Ross: Susan wanted a Chunky. We're having a baby, ok, a baby, you don't stop for Chunkys.

Chandler: I used to have that bumper sticker.

(Everyone is amused by Chandler's comment.)

Chandler: (to Rachel) You see what I mean.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Carol's Hospital Room, Carol is on the bed, Ross and Susan are at her side.]

Ross: Stopped for a Chunky.

Carol: Let it go, Ross.

Susan: I got an extra one. You want this? (holds the candy in front of Ross' face)

Ross: (weakly) No.

(Carol's doctor, Dr. Franzblau arrives.)

Dr. Franzblau: Hey, how's my favorite parenting team doing?

Ross: Dr. Franzblau, hi.

Dr. Franzblau: So, I understand you're thinking of having a baby? Well, I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. How you doing with your contractions?

Carol: Oh, I love them. Each one's like a little party in my uterus.

Susan: They're every four minutes and last 55 seconds.

Ross: 59 seconds. (holds up his watch) Quartz, ha.

Susan: Swiss quartz, ha, ha.

Carol: Am I allowed to drink anything?

Dr. Franzblau: Ice chips, just ice chips. They're at the nurses' station.

Ross: I'll get it.

Susan: No, I'm getting it. I'll be right back.

Ross: I got it—I'm getting it!

(They both leave just as Rachel enters the room, holding a cup.)

Rachel: Hi, I thought you might like some ice chips.

Carol: Thanks.

Rachel: And if you need anything else, I—(notices the handsome Dr. Franzblau)—do not believe we've met. Hi. I'm, uh, Rachel Green. I'm Carol's... ex-husband's... sister's roommate.

Dr. Franzblau: It is nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Franzblau. I'm your roommate's... brother's... ex-wife's obstetrician.

Rachel: Oh, that's funny!

[Scene: The Waiting Room, Chandler is falling asleep on Monica's shoulder.]

Monica: I want a baby.

Chandler: Mmmm. Not tonight, honey. I got an early day tomorrow.

Monica: Get up. Come on. Let's get some coffee.

Chandler: Oh, ok, 'cause we never do that.

(Chandler and Monica leave. Cut to Joey, watching the Knicks/Celtics game on television.)

Joey: (to the screen) Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, or just fall down. That's good too.

(A young pregnant woman enters.)

Lydia: Knick fan?

Joey: Oh, yeah.

Lydia: Oh, boy, do they suck.

Joey: Hey, listen, lady....(sees that she's pregnant)...whoa.

Lydia: Look, look at your man, Ewing. Nice shot. You know what, he couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat.

Joey: Oh yeah? And who do you like?

Lydia: The Celtics.

Joey: The Celtics? Ha. They couldn't hit a boat if...wait. They suck, alright?

Lydia: Oh, shut up. You know, it's a rebuilding year. You... waah!

Joey: Wha? Wha..aa? Let me get the father. Hey, we need a father over here! We need a father!

Lydia: There is no father.

Joey: Oh, oh, oh, sorry.

Lydia: Ok, that's ok. I'm fine. I'm... oh!

Joey: Oh, uh, ok. Right this way. All the other pregnant women seem to be goin' in here.

Lydia: Ok.

(Joey accompanies Lydia to a hospital room.)

[Scene: The Waiting Room, Phoebe is playing a song. Chandler, Monica, and Ross are there as well.]

Phoebe: (singing)

They're tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch,
and soon they'll grow up and resent you so much.
Now they're yelling at you and you don't know why,
you cry and you cry and you cry.
And you cry and you cry and you cry...

(Ross gives Phoebe a dollar.)

Phoebe: Thanks, Ross.

Ross: Yeah. I'm paying you to stop.

Phoebe: Ok.

(A woman passes by, carrying newborn twins.)

Phoebe: Oh, look, twins. Hi, guys. Oh, cute, cute.

Monica: No fair. I don't even have one. How come they get two?

Chandler: You'll get one.

Monica: Oh yeah? When?

Chandler: All right. I'll tell you what. When we're 40, if neither one of us are married, what do you say you and I get together and have one?

Monica: Why won't I be married when I'm 40?

Chandler: Oh, no, no. I just meant hypothetically.

Monica: Ok, hypothetically, why won't I be married when I'm 40?

Chandler: No, no, no.

Monica: What is it? Is there something fundamentally unmarriable about me?

Chandler: (trapped) Uh, uh.

Monica: Well?

Chandler: Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack! (throws himself over the back of the chair he was sitting in)

(Rachel enters, in a formal dress.)

Rachel: Hey.

Phoebe: Hey. Ooh, look at you, dressy-dress.

Monica: Did you go home and change?

Rachel: Yeah, well, it's an important day. I wanna look nice. Um, has uh Dr. Franzblau been by?

Monica: No, I haven't seen him.

Rachel: Well, where is he? He is supposed to be here. (Pause) What if the baby needs him?

Chandler: Rachel, what is the deal with you and doctors, anyway? Was, like, your father a doctor?

Rachel: Yeah, why?

Chandler: No reason. (turns around, makes an 'Oh my God' gesture with his eyes)

[Scene: Joey and Lydia in the hospital room. Lydia is on the phone with her mother.]

Lydia: Mom, we've been through this. No, I'm not calling him. I don't care if it is his kid, the guy's a jerk. No, I'm not alone. Joey's here. (pause) What do you mean, Joey who? (covers the phone, to Joey) Joey who?

Joey: Tribbiani.

Lydia: Joey Tribbiani. Yes, ok. Hold on. (to Joey) She wants to talk to you. Take the phone.

Joey: (takes phone) Hi, yeah, it's me. (Listens) Oh, no no no, we're just friends. (Listens) Yeah, I'm single. (Listens) 25. (Listens) An actor. (Listens) Hello?

Lydia: She's not much of a phone person.

Joey: Yeah, so, uh, so, uh, what's the deal with this father guy, I mean, if someone was havin' my baby somewhere, I'd wanna know about it, you know?

Lydia: Hey, Knick fan, am I interested in your views on fatherhood? Uh, no.

Joey: Ok, look, maybe I should just go.

Lydia: Maybe you should.

Joey: Good luck, and uh, take care, huh?

(He leaves, but then returns a moment later.)

Joey: You know what the Celtics problem is? They let the players run the team.

Lydia: Oh, that is so not true.

Joey: Oh, it is.

Lydia: It isn't.

Joey: It is.

Lydia: Isn't!

[Scene: Carol's Hospital Room, Ross and Susan are coaching Carol.]

Ross: Breathe.

Susan: Breathe.

Ross: Breathe.

Susan: Breathe.

Ross: Breathe.

Susan: Breathe.

Carol: You're gonna kill me!

Ross: 15 more seconds, 14, 13, 12...

Carol: Count faster.

Susan: It's gonna be ok, just remember, we're doing this for Jordie. Just keep focusing on Jordie.

Ross: Who the hell is Jordie?

Susan: Your son.

Ross: No-no-no. I don't have a son named Jordie. We all agreed, my son's name is Jamie.

Carol: Well, Jamie was the name of Susan's first girlfriend, so we went back to Jordie.

Ross: What? Whoa, whoa whoa whoa, what do you mean, back to Jordie? We never landed on Jordie. We just passed by it during the whole Jessy, Cody, Dylan fiasco.

Carol: Ow, ow, ow, ow, leg cramp, leg cramp, leg cramp.

Ross: I got it.

Susan: I got it.

Ross: I got it! Hey, you get to sleep with her, I get the cramps.

Susan: No, you don't.

Carol: All right, that's it. I want both of you out.

Ross: Why?

Susan: He started it!

Ross: No, you started it.

Susan: You did!

Carol: I don't care. I am trying to get a person out of my body here, and you're not making it any easier.

Ross: But...

Carol: Now go!

Ross: (to Susan) Thanks a lot.

Susan: (to Ross) See what you did.

Ross: (to Carol) Yeah, listen...

Carol: Out!

(Ross and Susan both angrily leave the hopsital room.)

[Scene: Lydia's Hospital Room, Joey is helping Lydia go through labor, a nurse is now present in her room as well.]

Nurse: Breathe, breathe, breathe...

Lydia: Oh, no.

(Joey looks down at Lydia.)

Joey: Ew! What is that? Something exploded!

Nurse: It's just her water breaking. Calm down, will you?

Joey: (panicked) Water breaking, what do you mean? What's that, water breaking?

Nurse: (to Joey) Breathe, breathe, breathe.

[Scene: The Hall, Ross and Susan are arguing.]

Ross: Please. This is so your fault.

Susan: How, how is this my fault?

Ross: Look, Carol never threw me out of a room before you came along.

Susan: Yeah? Well, there's a lot of things Carol never did before I came along.

Ross: You tryin' to be clever? A funny lady?

Susan: You know what your problem is? You're threatened by me.

Ross: Oh, I'm threatened by you?

Susan: Yes.

(Phoebe has heard them arguing and comes down the hall, taking them into a broom closet.)

Phoebe: Hey, hey, ok, all right, that's it! Get in here. Come on. My god, you guys, I don't believe you. There are children coming into the world in this very building and your negative fighting noises are not the first thing they should be hearing. So just stop all the yelling, just stop it!

Ross: Yeah, Susan.

Phoebe: Don't make me do this again, I don't like my voice like this.

(Phoebe goes to leave the room, but the door is locked.)

Phoebe: Ok, who wants to hear something ironic?

Commercial Break

[Scene: The Broom Closet, Ross and Susan are trying to get out.]

All: Help!

Ross: I'm having a baby in here! Ok, everyone stand back. (Walks backwards as if he is going to break down the door, but steps in a bucket and falls) Ow.

[Scene: Carol's room, Rachel and Dr. Franzblau are there with her.]

Carol: Are they here yet?

Rachel: No, honey, they're not, but don't worry, because we are going to find them, and until we do, we are all here for you, ok?

Carol: Ok.

Rachel: Ok?

Carol: Ok.

Rachel: (to Dr. Franzblau) Ok, so anyway, you were telling me about Paris, it sounds fascinating.

Dr. Franzblau: It really was. There was this great little pastry shop right by my hotel. (Carol sits up in pain, Rachel and Dr. Franzblau casually lay her back down) There you go, dear.

[Scene: Lydia's Room, Joey is helping her deliver.]

Joey: Come on, Lydia, you can do it. Push! Push 'em out, push 'em out, harder, harder. Push 'em out, push 'em out, way out! Let's get that ball and really move, hey, hey, ho, ho. Let's— (notices the nurse looking at him strangely) I was just—yeah, right. Push! Push!

[Scene: The Broom Closet, Ross has picked up a vacuum and is holding it at the door.]

Susan: What're you gonna do, suck the door open?

Ross: Help! Help!

Phoebe: (singing) They found their bodies the very next day, they found their bodies the very next...(sees Ross and Susan staring at her) la la la la la la.

Susan and Ross: (even louder) Help!

[Scene: The Waiting Room, Monica is on the phone with her mother, Chandler is standing behind her.]

Monica: Now, Mom, everything's going fine, really. (Listens) Yeah, Ross is great. He's uh, he's in a whole other place. (Listens) No, he's gone. (Listens) No no, you don't have to fly back, really. (Listens) What do you mean this might be your only chance? (Listens) Would you stop? I'm only 26, I'm not even thinking about babies yet.

(Monica sees a woman pass by with a baby, puts the phone to her chest, and starts to cry. Chandler takes the phone, makes a noise in it resembling static, and hangs up. Joey enters.)

Chandler: Where have you been?

Joey: Oh, just had a baby.

Chandler: Mazel tov!

[Scene: The Waiting Room, Rachel and Dr. Franzblau have gone to get coffee.]

Dr. Franzblau: I don't know, could be an hour, could be three, but relax, she's doing great. So, uh, tell me, are you currently involved with anyone?

Rachel: (anxiously) No, no, not at the moment, no, I'm not. Are you?

Dr. Franzblau: No, it's hard enough to get women to go out with me.

Rachel: Right, yeah, I've heard that about cute doctors.

Dr. Franzblau: No, no, really. I suppose it's because I spend so much time, you know, where I do.

Rachel: Oh.

Dr. Franzblau: I try not to let my work affect my personal life, but it's hard, when you... do what I do. It's like uh...Well, for instance, what do you do?

Rachel: I'm a waitress.

Dr. Franzblau: Ok, all right, well aren't there times when you come home at the end of the day, and you're just like, 'if I see one more cup of coffee'...

Rachel: (getting the point) Yeah. Gotcha.

Dr. Franzblau: I'm gonna go check up on your friend.

Rachel: Ok. That's fine. (takes her earrings out)

[Scene: The Hall Outside Lydia's Room, Joey is walking up to Lydia's room with balloons, but before he enters he sees that the baby's father has arrived. He listens at the door.]

Lydia: So how did you know I was even here?

Guy: Your mom called me. So is this her?

Lydia: No, this is a loaner.

Guy: I'm sorry you had to do this by yourself.

Lydia: I wasn't by myself. I had a doctor, a nurse, and a helper guy. (Joey smiles) So, did you see who won the game?

Guy: Yeah, the Knicks by 10. They suck.

Lydia: Yeah, they're not so bad.

(Joey closes the door and ties the balloons to the knob. Then he walks away, holding the hand of an inflated balloon animal he had brought.)

[Scene: The Broom Closet, Ross is trying to open the door with a credit card, with no success.]

Ross: Come on, come on. Damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit. (to Susan) This is all your fault. This is supposed to be, like, the greatest day of my life, y'know? My son is being born, and I should be in there, you know, instead of stuck in a closet with you.

Susan: The woman I love is having a baby today. I've been waiting for this just as much as you have.

Ross: No no no, believe me. No one has been waiting for this as much as I have, ok? And you know what the funny thing is? When this day is over, you get to go home with the baby, ok? Where does that leave me?

Susan: You get to be the baby's father. Everyone knows who you are. Who am I? There's Mother's Day, there's Father's Day, there's no... Lesbian Lover Day.

Ross: Every day is Lesbian Lover Day.

Phoebe: This is so great.

Ross: You wanna explain that?

Phoebe: I mean, well, 'cause when I was growing up, you know my dad left, and my mother died, and my stepfather went to jail, so I barely had enough pieces of parents to make one whole one. And here's this little baby who has like three whole parents who care about it so much that they're fighting over who gets to love it the most. And it's not even born yet. It's just, it's just the luckiest baby in the whole world. (pause) I'm sorry, you were fighting.

[Scene: Carol's Room, she is ready to give birth. Everyone is there except for Phoebe, Ross, and Susan, who are in the broom closet.]

Carol: Where are they?

Monica: I'm sure they'll be here soon.

Rachel: Yeah, honey, they wouldn't miss this.

Joey: Relax. You're only at nine centimeters. And the baby's at zero station.

Chandler: (to Joey) You are really frightening me.

(Carol suddenly screams in pain and grabs Chandler by the shirt.)

Chandler: Somebody wanna help me, tryin' to rip out my heart. (they pull her hand off of him) Uh, that's great. (looking around) Anybody seen a nipple?

Dr. Franzblau: All right, ten centimeters, here we go.

Nurse: All right, honey, time to start pushing.

Carol: But they're not here yet!

Dr. Franzblau: I'm sorry, I can't tell the baby to wait for them.

Carol: Oh, god.

[Scene: The Broom Closet, Ross has used a broom to open the air vent in the ceiling. Phoebe is wearing a janitor's uniform, ready to go up in the vent.]

Ross: Ok, got the vent open.

Phoebe: (reading the nametag on the uniform) Hi, I'm Ben. I'm hospital worker Ben. It's Ben... to the rescue!

Ross: Ben, you ready? All right, gimme your foot. Ok, on three, Ben. One, two, three. Ok, That's it, Ben.

(Ross and Susan lift Phoebe up into the vent.)

Susan: What do you see?

Phoebe: Well, Susan, I see what appears to be a dark vent. Wait. Yes, it is in fact a dark vent.

(A janitor opens the closet door from the outside.)

Ross: Phoebs, It's open! It's open!

(Ross and Susan run to the delivery room, leaving Phoebe dangling from the vent.)

Janitor: (to Ross and Susan) Wait! You forgot your legs!

[Scene: Carol's Room, Ross and Susan rush in.]

All: Push, push!

Ross: We're here!

Carol: (irked) Where have you been?

Ross: Long story, honey.

Dr. Franzblau: All right, Carol, I need you to keep pushing. I need—(reaches for an instrument, Rachel's hand is on it) Excuse me, could I have this?

Nurse: All right, all right, there's a few too many people in this room, and there's about to be one more, so anybody who's not an ex-husband or a lesbian life partner, out you go!

All: Good luck!

(Everyone heads for the door.)

Chandler: (to nurse) Let me ask you, do you have to be Carol's lesbian life partner?

Nurse: Out!

Dr. Franzblau: All right, he's crowning. Here he comes.

Ross: Let me see, I gotta see, I gotta see. Oh, a head. Oh, it's, it's huge. Carol, how are you doing this?

Carol: (straining) Not.... helping!

Dr. Franzblau: You're doing great, you're doing fine.

Ross: (puts his head near the baby) Hello! (to Dr. Franzblau) Oh, sorry.

Susan: What do you see? What do you see?

Ross: We got a head, we got shoulders, we got arms, we got, oh, look at the little fingers, oh, and a chest, and a stomach. It's a boy, definitely a boy! All right! Ok, legs, knees, and feet. Oh, oh. He's here. He's a person.

Susan: Oh, look at that.

Carol: What does he look like?

Ross: Kinda like my uncle Ed, covered in Jell-o.

Carol: Really?

Phoebe: (from the air vent overhead) You guys, he's beautiful!

Ross: Oh, thanks, Pheebs!

(They look up towards the vent and wave at Phoebe.)

[Scene: The Delivery Room, Carol is holding the infant.]

Susan: No shouting, but we still need a name for this little guy.

Ross: (thinking) How 'bout Ben?

Susan: I like Ben.

Carol: Ben. Ben. Ben's good. How come you never mentioned Ben before?

Ross: We uh, we just cooked it up.

Susan: That's what we were off doing.

(Monica opens the door.)

Monica: Hi.

Ross: Hey.

Monica: Can we come in?

(The whole gang enters.)

Ross: (to Ben) I know, I know. Everybody, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Yeah. This is Ben. Ben, this is everybody.

Phoebe: Susan, he looks just like you.

Susan: Thanks.

Rachel: Oh, god, I can't believe one of us actually has one of these.

Chandler: I know, I still am one of these.

Monica: Ross, can I?

(Monica holds Ben.)

Ross: The head, the head. You gotta...

Monica: (getting choked up) Hi, Ben. Hi. I'm your Aunt Monica. Yes I am. I'm your Aunt Monica. I...I will always have gum.

Closing Credits

[Scene: The Hospital, the camera is placed as though it were Ben's eyes.]

Ross: Ben, I want you to know that there may be some times when I may not be around, like this. (walks out of the picture) But I'll still always come back, like this. (returns) And sometimes I may be away longer, like this. (walks away) But I'll still always come back, like this. (returns)

(Chandler comes into the picture.)

Chandler: And sometimes, I'll want you to steal third, and I'll go like this. (Does a baseball sign.)

(The rest of the group come into the picture.)

Monica: He is so amazing.

Rachel: Oh, I know. Look at him.

Joey: Ben, Ben, hey Ben. Nothing. I don't think that's his name.

Phoebe: Oh, look, look, he's closing his eyes. (screen goes blank) Look, he's opening his eyes. (picture comes back)

Joey: He doesn't do much, does he?

Ross: No, this is pretty much it.

(long moment of silence)

Rachel: You guys wanna get some coffee?

All: Yeah.

Ross: All right, I'll see you guys later.

(They all leave but Ross, but they all come back a few seconds later. They make faces at the baby.)

Phoebe: Oh, look, he's closing his eyes again.

(The screen fades to black.)

